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Greetings from Selma to y'all:
With GODS guidance and Judy's patience we were able to get the Endeavor filled with all of our STUFF out of the 5er before 6 p.m. Friday night, at which time the gates closed at Giant Recreation World. The fellows at G.R.W. were very easy for us to work with.
While we were headed to the Azalea Park U.M.C., to gather up our belongings there, Judy hit an obstacle in the roadway and damaged the right front tire. Which meant that after we got the Endeavor (M.H.) packed, we spent the night at the church. I got up Saturday morning and figured out how to get the wheel off, so I could get the spare on no easy task wheel locks. I only had to go 2 blocks to PEP BOYS TIRES, was able to get right in and even had A tire in the size and type that we needed.(THANK YOU GOD for another answered prayer.)
We finally got over to the BRUNDIGES before Noon,, gathered up our personal belongings and THE TRAVELING CATS said our final thank yous and so longs and were off for Selma.
We went as far as Gainesville and stopped at CAMP WALLY WORLD for the night,, which meant that we still had 6 driving hours ahead of us on Sunday. We arrived at Selma just in time to join the NOMAD TEAM for the orientation meeting for the work projects here.
The team consists of 4 couples:
Gary and Jane Byington from Wisconsin
Gary and Linda Willaims from Missouri
Rodger and Sandy W. from Alabama
John and Judy Long from Iowa (since Feb. 23, 07
was supposed to be 2 other couples with us, but due to health reasons are unable to be here. (PLEASE PRAY for their respected heath concerns along with us.)
Our main project will be Painting Cottages here at UNITED METHODIST CHILDREN'S HOME SELMA CAMPUS they haven't been freshened up for quite awhile, LOL John is doing the HIGH ceilings while Judy is getting the lower stuff just above the floors.
again we would like to thank you all for your continued prayers and messages of encouragement that we receive, especially that last month of difficulties that we had.I had even considered changing my name to either 'PAUL' or 'JOB' for the trails and afflictions that we were going though (hee-hee)
May our GREAT GOD, grant all of you the wonderful blessings that we receive daily from HIM.
Bamm-Bamm and Pebbles
Judy and John say have a safe Halloween!
Hi Gang:
The work here at Azalea Park U.M.C. has come to conclusion for the Longs' as it is time to move on to our next NOMAD assignment at The U.M. Children's Home at Selma, Ala. beginning on Monday the 29Th.
While here we accomplished some of the requested task they had for us (in between making arrangements for our "new" traveling home). Some of the things accomplished were the fellowship hall stage front, stripped and re-stained and varnished (Judy). A wooden wall -2 sides painted (Judy). The exterior hall ceiling panels secured (John) and repainted (Judy and John). 4 Handicap Parking Signs Installed (post holes manually dug, post inserted and cemented, and signs attached 6' above ground) John
John also consulted with the Building maintenance committee about the lighting problems in the Sanctuary and the Fellowship Hall. (recommended that they get an professional electrician in)
We enjoyed the Church folk tremendously !!!!!!! The hospitality of the BRUNDAGES (Buford and Fay)
was very pleasing, we have 2 new life long friends, and Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm loved them also.
Uncle Paul and Hildred were a treat to visit with and discuss the family happenings of long ago and present.
Judy says it is time to get going as John is getting to know his way around Orlando and vicinity to WELL.
Sunday after church and fellowship dinner, JUDY finally got to see the ATLANTIC OCEAN, we went over to Cocoa Beach and then up to the KENNEDY SPACE STATION.
PLEASE PRAY for us as we learn to travel in the new motor home and for safe traveling, also for the work to be done while in Selma.
I almost forgot that I had promised you a list of our WINTER/SPRING 2008 TRAVELS:
Period 1 Jan7TH -24th we are scheduled for RIO GRANDEE, Tex
Period 2 Jan. 28TH - Feb.14TH we are scheduled for PHARR, Tex.
Period 3 OFF- Texas Tourist
Period 4 March 10TH-27TH we are in OKALAHOMA
Period 5 March 31st-April 17th we are in OK.
The Longs- John, Judy, Bamm-Bamm, and Pebbles
Good evening to all:
Week one here at Orlando has turned out to be one which we will NOT soon forget!!! As we were trying to get here, all the traffic accidents. Then the encounter at Azalea Park U.M.C., with the walkway overhang,,,doing roughly $10,000 damage to the 5er and maybe as long as 8 weeks to finish repairs. John finally got the 5er to the repair shop about 15 miles from the church. Judy went and looked for a possible replacement and found one to her liking.The LORD worked out all the snags so that we should be able to take procession next week , which will enable us to keep our scheduled stop for NOMADS at Selma, Ala.
Judy has been working removing varnish from the stage front in the fellowship hall. While John has started to repair the plywood ceiling in the outside hallways. Today John also started the repair work to walkway overhang that caught the 5er.. John has also consulted with the maintenance man on the lighting outages in both the Sanctuary and the fellowship hall. John also advised the committee that they should try to get a professional steamer to clean the carpet on the fellowship stage, instead of replacing it. They did, and it turned out nice.
We have been staying with a family from the church who graciously has taken ALL of us in, BUFORD AND FAY BRUNDAGE (thank-you) WE want to thank all of you, for praying that this all could work out ok in a timely manner.
The Longs - On The Road new transportation is a 2001 Holiday Rambler, Endeavor, Blue and White on the outside and has many extras, which will make life on the road MUCH easier for ALL of the LONGS.
Coming down from Atlanta was quite a trip,,,we were held up in traffic 2 different times, because of semi-trucks accidents, we lost a total of over 2 hrs in the 1st tie-up, and then detoured off from the 2nd one, after about 45 mins of rolling parking lot. We went through Gainesville, Fla. then down US 441really slow through lots of constant commercial development.......lots of traffic control lights,,,,,UGH I FINALLY said enough and pulled into Camp Wal-Mart at Lady Lake, Fla; we got on the road then Sat. morning around 10 am and pulled into AZALEA PARK UNITED METHODIST CHURCH drive around 11a.m.
THEN JOHN WASN'T LOOKING CAREFULLY AND RAN THE TOP OF 5ER INTO THE WALKWAY CANOPY OVERHANG.....causing extensive damage to the front (bedroom area and closet) Insurance adjuster had me take it to a repair shop here... At this post time we haven't any idea how long or expensive this all will be,,,so please prayers are diffidently
requested at this time.
Happy October all:
I see where those darn cats thought they were getting a new comfortable ride. Well Judy's dream wasn't meant too be at this time. The cost was just too much for what we can handle right now, with making payments on her car also. So maybe (probably she says) summer of 2008 will see us in a Motorhome.
While staying over in Woodstock (near Atlanta) we visited the Corp of Engineers park VICTORIA LANDING. A definite 5 cats paws on the TRAVELINGS CATS rating scale.
We also visited with some former Belle Plainers JOHN AND JUDY CARTER (thank you for the lovely Sunday afternoon and evening, especially the ' POLKA FEAST' with your Sunday school class.
John also visited (via phone) with 2 of his long time good friends who live in the area.
Our plans are on Wednesday to take in a few of the tourist items: like the Capitol, Aquarium, Atlanta Speedway and maybe the Underground business district.
Then it is Orlando bound on Thursday, with an overnight at "Camp Wal-mart", while in transit. LOL. With an expected arrival at Azalea Park U.M.C. around 1 p.m.
Judy's uncle Paul is sure excited about us coming down to see them.
High Gang:
Pebbles and I just wanted you all to know that today (Oct. 6Th) was Mom's (Judy's) birthday.
We got up early and left HINTON RURAL LIFE CENTER, after getting the 5er repaired on Friday (getting new landing legs { front jacks} and a new valve for the bathroom stool). We drove into Ga. to Woodstock, near Atlanta, where dad treated Mom to a visit at a CAMPING WORLD DEALERSHIP and store. Mom bought herself a birthday present, a 2001 Class A Motor home, so I guess Pebbles and I will have a NEW HOME,,, where we will be riding right along with the folks all the time. We think the exchange of homes will happen on Wednesday morning, before going onto Orlando, Fla We are going to visit Moms Uncle Paul and his new wife, Hilder. Dad and Mom are also going to be working at a DROP-IN NOMAD site at AZALEA PARK U.M.C. for around 10 working days.
The time spent at HINTON R.L.C. was fantastic, we had lovely weather for all of our catnaps. Dad said that the five houses that he and Mrs Traviss, added final electrical trim (outlets and switches) to, all passed final testing,,,,, HOOORAY Dad.
Us cats are looking forward to returning to the Mississippi Coast again the week after Thanksgiving. We will be at Caswell Springs UMC at Moss Point, Ms. for 3 weeks where the folks will be part of a team of Nomads working again on Katrina victims houses. This is after we spend 3 weeks in Ala. at Selma, United Methodist Children's Home. That happens the 3 weeks before Thanksgiving and after Azalea Park.
Mom was on the phone talking and I overheard her say that they have been approved for NOMADS project work in Southern Texas. the first 6 weeks of 2008, then 3 weeks off (to play Texas Tourist while traveling up to Oklahoma ). When in OK mom will get to visit with her close friend Connie at Claremore,OK. While near by at Tehlaquca (sp). Then,I think, we just might be headed for Iowa for the summer (stayed tuned , as I hear, I'll purrrr it on).
Well I think it is time for me to catch up on my sleep and eating so a big MEOWWWWWWWWW to one all. Bamm- Bamm and for Pebbles also. God Bless you all.
Greetings Ya'll :
Week #2 at HINTON RURAL LIFE CENTER here near Hayesville, N.C. is over and we are in our final week here. Fall has arrived with beautiful crisp mornings and nice COOL sleeping nights (between 52 and 65) overnights. The colors are fading and headed for their splenderful fall colors.
Judy has learned how to wire the outlets and place the trim around the fixtures, so she has joined John in getting this important job done on the 7 houses at WESLEY MEADOWS. The other members of the NOMADS TEAM has accomplished quite a bit of their assigned tasks also, THANKS TO GOD for providing pleasant working weather.
Jack and Arlene Fenn health has improved (thank you for the prayers for them) Arlene has been released by the Drs. to return to work, but Jack is still restricted as he recovers more from pneumonia, but he has joined in the devotions and some of the weekend activities.
Speaking of weekend activities Judy and I found a convenient store that had a special 2 RC's (ROYAL CROWNS COLA) and 2 MOON PIES for 2 Dollars,, since Judy has never had this favorite SOUTHERN tradition before we couldn't pass-up this bargain.LOL...WE HAVE NOW BECOME'D RC'D AND MOONPIE'D. We also visit the local used book store,ran by the friends of the library, and found more bargins.
Our stay here will be over on Friday of this week (if we get our RV part back) , the we are headed for Atlanta for a few days, Then on to Savana Ga., Where Judy hopes to FINALLY view the Atlantic Ocean beaches. We then plan on going to Fla. and visit Judy' Uncle Paul,, then find a Drop in project either at Eustiss Fla or Macon, Ga then get over to Selma, Ala. for another Nomad project .Then have a week off for Thanksgiving. Then 3 more weeks down on the Mississippi coast , this time at Moss Point.
We were able to get ALL of our 1st request for NOMADS assignments for spring 2008 so will be sharing those places and dates with you all in the next post as plans are finalized We start and Tex in Jan and finish in Oklahoma in late April or early May. Then properly on to Iowa for the summer.
Need run as it time to return to work now..