On Monday John finished repairing a roof corner, then he and Judy power washed 2 outside walls in preparation for painting. On Tues, we had to make an unscheduled trip to Tenn, as Judy was with out any pain pills and Mississippi doesn't allow controlled prescription too be transferred in or out..We were back by afternoon work time,, we finished scraping some fascia and trim boards, Judy worked at the duplex taking out some flooring and she sprayed the outside walls down with bleach water.. John finished taking out the cabinets at the duplex.....then we went home and cleaned up ourselves and had supper (ECK !!!!) at the cafeteria . Then we did some laundry ... we start out each day with group devotional time about 30 mins. each family takes turn leading a day. Tues was our day . Please pray for all 0f NOMADS as many will be traveling too their projects the next 2 weeks as this is when the number of projects start increasing. Let us know if any of you are reading these just bye clicking on comments then go to the box and tell us hey... WILL TRY TO HAVE PICTURES UP BY FRIDAY and for those of you in Belle Paine, we have sent a Video of the " LIVES UNDER CONSTRUCTION" Boys Ranch for you too view
Hey!!! We are reading your posts. They make us very tired... tee hee :o)
Been keeping up with your log. Miss you guys!!! Old neighbors John & Sue
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